interRAI Community Paramedicine Contact Assessment (CPCA) Form and User’s Manual and Related Materials (Standard English Edition), 10.0

142 (136-page manual plus 6-page form)
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The interRAI Community Paramedicine Contact Assessment (CPCA) manual provides information to facilitate an accurate and uniform assessment of persons served in community paramedicine settings — elderly housing, home care, board and care, assisted living, etc. 

The interRAI CPCA Form supports a Minimum Data Set (MDS) screening instrument that enables an assessor to review multiple key domains of function, health, social support, and service use. Particular CPCA items also identify persons who could benefit from further evaluation of specific problems or risks for functional decline. These items, known as “triggers,” link the interRAI CPCA to a series of problem-oriented clinical assessment protocols (CAPs).

The CAPs contain general guidelines for further assessment and individualized care and services. There are three CAPs for Pain, Mood, and Cardio-respiratory symptoms respectively. The goal is to include this information when determining an appropriate care plan, and where possible and required, provide the service or make a referral.



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