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interRAI publications are available in both print and ebook formats; we encourage the use of interRAI tools in whatever format is most convenient to users. We offer four types of products which include:

1) Printed User's Manuals — one assessment form and detailed instructions for use.

2) Printed CAPS Manuals — detailed protocols and instructions for use.

3) Printable Assessments Forms — a licensed PDF allowing a pre-selected number of forms to print yourself. Each page will contain your own "Social DRM," a watermark showing your purchasing information and the number of printed copies allowed.

4) Electronic editions of User's Manuals and CAPs Manuals — available at the interRAI ebookstore. These include the same information and look as the printed materials but in electronic form (please note: they do not contain fillable forms nor algorithms). The interRAI ebookstore is separate from the interRAI Print Catalog site and customer registration information is not shared between the two sites; purchasing ebooks will require you to create a separate account at the interRAI ebookstore.

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