Collection: Child and Youth Mental Health Instrument and Adolescent Supplement (ChYMH)

The ChYMH is the main tool in the Child and Youth Suite of instruments in community and mental health settings (age 4 to 18 years). The Adolescent Supplement is completed for youth 12+ years of age.

The ChYMH is primarily designed for children up to age 18 years, but can be used up to age 21. Conversely, the interRAI CMH and ID are primarily designed for adults 18 and over. The decision of which instrument to use children or adult for those 18 to 21 can based on the services accessed. For example, for a youth accessing services within a high school or when other children assessments have been done prior, the youth assessment systems are recommended. However, if a person aged 18 to 21 is first being assessed and can be expected to continue receiving services in coming years, it would be better to begin with the adult instruments.


Comprehensive assessment Yes
Self reported versions No
Clinical Assessment Protocols (CAPs) Yes
Outcome scales Yes
Case-mix classification Yes
Quality Indicators No